is fried chicken keto friendly

Fried chicken is the quintessential comfort food; it’s crispy, juicy, and so flavorful. But is it keto friendly? After all, the ketogenic diet is known for its restriction of carbohydrates and fried chicken is basically deep-fried. The good news is that you don’t have to give up your favorite fried chicken if you’re following a keto diet. In this blog post, we’ll explore why fried chicken can be part of a keto-friendly diet and how to make the most keto-friendly fried chicken.

Nutritional content of fried chicken

A. Fried chicken is an incredibly popular food item that is high in calories and rich in protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The exact nutritional content of fried chicken can vary depending on the size of the chicken and the particular ingredients used. Generally, a fried chicken breast with skin contains around 20 grams of protein, 10-12 grams of fat, and 4-6 grams of carbohydrates. The fat content in fried chicken is primarily from the chicken skin, which is often deep fried in oil.

B. Traditional fried chicken is often not the healthiest choice when compared to grilled or baked chicken. Baked or grilled chicken is typically lower in fat and calories and can be a healthier alternative to fried chicken. Grilled chicken is also a good source of lean protein and can provide a more balanced nutrition profile than fried chicken.

C. The preparation method of fried chicken can have a significant impact on its nutritional value. Deep frying the chicken in oil can add a lot of calories and fat to the dish. Additionally, the type of oil used can affect the nutritional value of fried chicken. For instance, using vegetable oil can provide more healthy fats than using butter or lard. Additionally, using breading or batter can add extra carbohydrates to the dish. Ultimately, the best way to ensure that fried chicken is as nutritious as possible is to use lean cuts of chicken and a healthier cooking method, such as baking or grilling.

Carbohydrates in fried chicken

A. Carbohydrates can have a negative impact on ketosis, the state in which the body burns fat for energy. When carbohydrates are consumed, the body converts them into glucose, and then the glucose is used for energy. This causes the body to stop burning fat for energy, thus disrupting ketosis and making it difficult or impossible to achieve. 

B. Fried chicken, including breading and seasoning, typically contains around 10-20 grams of carbohydrates per serving. This amount of carbohydrates is low enough to fit into a ketogenic diet, which typically requires fewer than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. 

C. Fried chicken can be consumed as part of a ketogenic diet, as long as other carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. It is important to note that fried chicken should be eaten in moderation, as it is high in calories, fat, and sodium. Additionally, fried chicken should be paired with healthy fats and proteins, such as avocado and eggs, to ensure the body is receiving adequate nutrition.

Keto-friendly options for fried chicken

A. Fried chicken is a staple of many diets, but it can be difficult to make it compatible with the ketogenic diet. To make fried chicken Keto-friendly, it is important to avoid using a lot of carbohydrates in the preparation process. Instead, opt for a low-carbohydrate breading that is high in healthy fats and proteins. Additionally, baking or air-frying the chicken instead of deep-frying in oil can help to reduce the number of carbohydrates present in the dish.

B. Low-carbohydrate breading options can be used to create a Keto-friendly version of fried chicken. Almond flour is an excellent choice for making a crispy and flavorful coating for chicken. Additionally, coconut flour is also a great option for making a low-carbohydrate coating that won’t add too many extra carbohydrates. To add a bit of extra flavor, spices and herbs can be added to the flour mixture before coating the chicken.

C. Seasonings can be used to add flavor to the fried chicken without adding too many carbohydrates. Herbs such as oregano, basil, and thyme are all excellent choices for flavoring the chicken. Additionally, spices like paprika, cumin, and garlic powder can be used to give the fried chicken a flavorful kick. To avoid adding too many carbohydrates, try to stick to seasonings that are low in sugar and sodium.


Fried chicken can be a great meal option when following a keto diet. It contains high-fat, low-carb ingredients that can provide energy and help you stay in a state of ketosis. However, it is important to be mindful of the way in which the chicken is cooked. Deep-fried chicken is high in unhealthy trans fats and is not recommended for a ketogenic diet. Instead, opt for oven-baked, air-fried, or grilled chicken. Additionally, make sure you are aware of the ingredients in any breading or marinades you are using. Eating fried chicken in moderation can be a great way to enjoy a tasty meal while still staying within your nutritional goals.

Food Nimki